Saturday, March 26, 2011

I thank the LORD

I thank the LORD!

Because He has spoken

And I have heard.

I thank the LORD!

For His ever lasting promise

And His never failing word.

I am thankful that he has chosen me.

I am thankful that he knows who I can be.

I am thankful just to serve.

I am thankful for every fibre, for every nerve

Most of all I am thankful for things I have, but don’t deserve.

I am thankful to hear His praises in the church choir.

I am thankful that He rejoices in my making.

I am thankful that He is all I require.

I am thankful He is mine, for the taking.

I am thankful that HE freely gives my heart’s desire.

I am thankful.

I am thankful.

I am thankful.